Monday, November 16, 2009

Does anyone know anything about skin conditions in rabbits?

My rabbit,a giant english lop ear,has bald patches and the skin underneathis slightly raised and black.Hi skin is normally white. I am rather concerned

Does anyone know anything about skin conditions in rabbits?
Maybe fur mites? You can use flea powder that is safe for kittens. ONLY if it states on the package SAFE FOR KITTENS. That would be my first guess. Is it scaly or flaky? That could be another mite indicator.

Check your food. Is it moldy? (Hard to tell sometimes due to pellet color, but look closely.) Is the food old? Have you changed the diet? A food issue would also be indicated in the bunny's weight, so if the weight is good, food is probably not the problem.

Is your lop alone? If with another bunny, they could be plucking each other's fur.

If kitten flea powder does not correct the problem rather quickly, you might need a skin test for mange, done at your vet's office.

In the meantime, if you notice your bunny excessively grooming these balding areas, offer some pineapple with with food to help him avoid woolblock (bunny fur balls).
Reply:The best thing to do is to call the vet and speak to someone there. i know from experience that sometimes the nurse gives great advise. Give that a go as it will only cost you a phone call to find out the correct answer.
Reply:That could be a number of things. If you have the rabbit in the same cage as another rabbit, then separate the two.

It would be really hard to tell you what the problem is without a picture. I'd recommend taking your rabbit to the vet.

I've been raising rabbits for 25 years and it would be hard to make a well educated guess based on your description. Take it to the vet so the vet can see it first hand. Or at least get a picture of it.


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