Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is there a cure for a skin condition called Vitiligo?

its a skin condition which can affect anyone, black brown or white, in my case im brown, i have it all over and is very hard to live with. basically it is the loss of pigment in your skin and its evident when you have white patches on your skin. i have searched all over the world and just cant find anything please help?

Is there a cure for a skin condition called Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a skin condition which is a result of autoimmune system getting disturbed due to various reasons like anxiety, vitamin deficiencies, liver disorders.

As the causes of this condition are not known exactly therefore it is difficult to treat it with one approach.

Different people get different results from the same treatments.

The main treatment in allopathic system is the exposure to the Ultravoilet radiation.

If you want to find out how other vitiligo sufferers have been coping with this problem and how some of them have been able to cure it , please visit which is a chat group for vitiligo sufferers.

They also have up to date news about vitiligo on this website. There are many more websites on vitiligo, just search on vitiligo or leucoderma.
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The used resources and no cash are many absolutely.

Taken care of general. Before nothing, the ample explanation to the patient on which it is his suffering and what it is possible to be hoped of the treatment that sets out. There are no restrictive measures as far as feeding and taken care of of the skin. The patient must act most natural possible.

Topical treatment. The natural or synthetic psoralenos are the most effective medicines at the present time. The natural ones as the essential oil of Lima or bergamota, is the favourites in limited injuries and children. The synthetic ones, like the 8-metilpsoraleno, are of delicate use because they can cause serious burns if they are recommended followed of uncontrolled solar exhibition. Several and increasing dilutions must be used in, and the exhibition to the ultraviolet light must be gradual to look for the tolerance of the skin. Otherwise, the burn is the rule and the spot increases its size.

The retinoic acid and the corticoesteroides have given to very inconsistentes and mainly these last ones results, only transitory results. The cosmetic cream use, can be an artificial lightening to the displeasure of the patient before its spots.

Sistémico treatment. The own psoralenos by their fotoirritante power, can be used by oral route in cases of vitiligo very extensive, but it is due to consider that its action will not be limited only the despigmentada skin but that affected also the normal skin. They can cause to fotosensibilización and cataracts. The corticoesteroides although obtain a pigmentación in some months, this one is transitory and disappears when these medicines are discontinued, which have many undesirable effects.

They have been used inmunomoduladores like levamisol and isoprinosine with inconstantes results. The inmunosupresores medicine use, like the cyclosporin, is not justified in a benign disease by its serious collateral effects.

Tattoos and application of autoinjertos with some results have been tried. The psycotherapy, even though is superficial, is helpful. The support that the patient creates to have of his doctor is basic, in any treatment of vitiligio. Sometimes also they will be of aid some ansiolíticos, when one thinks that the patient undergoes of anguish and anxiety by his disease.

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