Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can you name this skin condition?

This girl in one of my classes has bright pink skin that's peeled all over. Her whole body is peeled and redish pink. her hands are swollen balls that look like theyre covered in paper. i thought at first it was just a really bad sunburn, but one of my friends told me she has a skin condition she doesn't like to talk about. Can someone tell me the name of this condition, if its contagious and how she got it?

Can you name this skin condition?
It sounds as if she has Scleroderma. This is a serious autoimmmune disease that can effect collagen in any part of the body, internal organs included. It's not contagious.
Reply:it sounds like it could be scarlatina. which is a strep infection that yes could potential be contagious but is usually stopped by good handwashing. the only way to know for sure is to ask the girl. here is the info on scarlatina

Scarlet fever is simply strep throat with a rash. The throat infection is caused by a streptococcal bacteria. It is most commonly seen in school-aged children in the winter and early spring, but it can occur in individuals of any age and in any season. It is very contagious, and the risk of transmission can be decreased with good hand washing.

The rash is not serious, but serious complications can occur from the underlying infection, strep throat. The most worrisome of these is rheumatic fever, a serious disease that can damage the heart valves and cause long-term heart disease.


The child's symptoms begin with sore throat (which can be mild), fever, headache, abdominal pain, and swollen glands in the neck.

After 1-2 days of these symptoms, the child develops a rash on the body that is red and has a sandpaper texture. After 7-14 days, the rash sloughs off.

The face may look very flushed, but the skin around the mouth appears normal.


Streptococcal bacteria can be treated with antibiotics.

Have your child seen by your doctor immediately if you suspect he or she has strep throat or scarlet fever.

Your child will require a full course of antibiotics, which should be finished even if your child is better before completion.

Your child may return to school in 24 hours if the fever has resolved and he or she is feeling better
Reply:Eczema can be really bad like that or just a small spot every once in a while. People are born with it and it's not contagious.It's really common to.Try these links and see if you see what she has.

is it same like this condition she describes on the link?

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